Call for papers
As our society changes rapidly in the face of digital imperatives, environmental concerns and social upheavals, we need to pose new questions to reflect on diversity, value, growth and transformation in this emergent global world order. This conference assembles academics and practitioners from different backgrounds in tourism and mobility studies and practice to work within a narrative space to create a dialogue and ask – what is Europe? Why is Europe the most visited region on the planet? What are the imaginations that construct this idea of Europe? How do key cultural institutions and ritual practices such as food, religion and sports (and specifically football in this conference) contribute towards the making of European identity?
‘Picture Europe’ provides a framework for imagining Europe and the ‘West’ based on othered perspectives in which agency is given to tourists to reconstruct and narrativize spaces in the European city. Their stories, our stories – coerce a rethink of culture as reflexive, embodied and contingent especially in our era of multifarious transnational mobilities. The conference will collect othered stories to render Europe with novel gazes and map spaces of engagement which encourage the creation of platforms for continuous dialogue on what Europe could mean for different voices.
Interdisciplinary sub-themes and topics
• Luxury tourism / Dark tourism / Slum tourism / Sustainable tourism / Inclusive tourism / Food tourism / Sport tourism / Cultural tourism / Creative tourism / Rural tourism / Urban tourism / Religious tourism / Regenerative Tourism / Leisure Tourism
• Asian/European imagination of Europe
• European imagination of elsewhere
• In-bound – out-bound mobilities between Europe and Asia
• Journeying and cultural mapping
• Tourism and nightlife in European and Asian perspectives
• Entrepreneurship and dynamic capabilities in tourism
• Immigrant mobilities
• Train travel as cultural form and imagination
• Nature and natural landscapes
• New forms of leisure and recreation
• Rivers and historical imagination
• Digitalisation and space
• Storytelling & Transmedia
• Gamification in Tourism
• Destination marketing (region, nation, city or town)
• Cultural and identity place-making
• Tourism and heritage
• Art, music and environment
• AI and ethics
• Gender and equity
• Geo-politics and transnationalism
• Change, leadership and transformation
• Governance, human rights and democracy
• Urban development and poverty
• Public health care and European institutions
• Peace and conflict
• Risk and safety in tourism
• Pilgrimmages and rituals in tourism
• Universal education and value creation
• Quality of Life and well-being
Please provide a maximum of 250 words indicating how you would contribute towards the thematic of the
conference: Picture Europe by 2nd May, 2024. Please send abstract to: dwee@karlshochschule.de
Authors will be informed within 2 weeks upon receipt of abstracts.
Please see attached template for Abstract submission. This will be the version that will go into ‘Conference proceedings’. EATSA-Abstract Paper-Template
Presentation format:
There will be 2 formats for presentation:
1. Traditional 15-minute presentations detailing research agenda, theoretical framework, literature
review, empirical data, methodology, findings and discussion
2. Short and creative presentations (10 minutes or less) using formats such as PechaKecha
(https://www.pechakucha.com) to present ideas, stories, thoughts and imagination
There will be a ‘Best Presentation Award’ for each category.
Paper submission & publication opportunity:
The paper should consist of a maximum of 5500 words (with references). Please indicate if you intend to
submit this for publication in the EATSJ. For further details, please see https://www.eatsa-
researches.org/journal/. There will be a ‘Best Paper Award’.
Deadline for abstract submission: 2 May 2024
10th Annual Conference EATSA 2024 Germany: 9 – 12 July 2024

The aim of the EATSJ is to provide a platform to promote our junior European and Asian researchers. It is an Open Access Journal, whose key purpose, is to encourage Early Career Researchers (ECR), PhD and Masters Candidates to publish their research outcomes. It also provides an opportunity for ECRs to manage the editorial board, supported and mentored by our member advisory senior academics. We encourage all aspiring authors to submit their research work for consideration. Our capable editorial board will provide help and support to ease any publication challenges. In this way, our commitment is to assist a new generation of European and Asian tourism researchers to realise their publication potentials.
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to:
Prof. Dr. Desmond Wee, Chair EATSA Germany 2024, dwee@karlshochschule.de