

VOLUME III – December 2022
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Volume 1 – December 2020


The tourism industry being a people centric industry is highly dependent on human resources. The challenge faced by the industry today is not only to get the best human resources but also to retain them. Like other sectors travel agencies/ tour operator companies too are finding it difficult to recruit and retain quality staff. This research paper aims to study the current and future retention strategies followed by employers for satisfying employees of travel agencies/tour operators of Pune city which is in the state of Maharashtra in India. Primary sources comprised of data collected from 47 Human resource managers of travel agencies/tour operators using structured questionnaires. One-way ANOVA test was applied for doing the analysis. Future retention strategies were collected using interview schedule. The results show that the retention strategy of having anti-discrimination / anti-harassment policy for employees needs to be developed and implemented. Apart from the other suggestions, an important suggestion given by the researchers is that application of Rules/Regulations pertaining to the harassment / discrimination of employees in terms of caste, religion and gender as prescribed in the relevant government Acts and Ordinances must be strictly followed.


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Trust has emerged as a key factor in any virtual transaction. Therefore, the protection of trustworthiness should be a central matter of concern in the online tourism sector, especially in emerging and, hence, more fragile markets such as nautical tourism. In this study, an exploratory investigation was conducted of four online sailing platforms using an inductive content analysis of the data collected. The goal was to examine cybersecurity-related indicators that may affect trustworthiness of the platforms. To this end, the study focused on two freely accessible types of information: the level of transaction security and the level of concern for personal privacy. Given that it may be unclear to many users how a small text file (a cookie) created by a website and stored in the user's computer can affect the user’s privacy, an interdisciplinary disclosive computer ethics approach was used for unveiling the risk related to cookies, especially third-party cookies, or web trackers. Interestingly, geopolitical and geoeconomic correlations were noted when interpreting the findings from a geographical point of view, although it was concluded that more research is needed to better understand the phenomenon. However, notwithstanding the relatively limited sample, this work offers valuable insights into a systematic understanding of how cybersecurity contributes to increased trust and, hence, improved competitiveness.


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Globally Tourism is the fastest growing industry for which competitive destinations are trying their best to promote their tourism products by developing appropriate brand strategies for marketing their products. Identification of Brand Personality is one of the strategies where Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) are focusing upon. This study aims to explore the brand personality traits of the first world heritage site of India i.e. Ellora caves situated in Aurangabad District of Maharashtra State of India. Though the site is having potential for Tourism, minimal efforts are taken by the stakeholders for branding Ellora. Primary data was collected using interview schedule and questionnaires from 23 tourism stakeholders of Aurangabad region and 90 domestic tourists at Ellora respectively. Factor Analysis is done to reduce the perceived brand personality traits and developing the most relevant ones. Further Cronbach’s Alpha was used for testing the reliability. Factor Analysis is done to reduce the perceived brand personality traits and coming up with the most relevant ones. 18 new traits were identified which were not seen in marketing literature of Ellora like Intelligent, resourceful, Astute, Senile Surest, Shrewd, Hygiene etc. These identified new traits will help to target new segment of tourists like Millennial’s, Eco Tourists etc. The implications of this paper are dual which are related to academic contribution and policy making for the stakeholders relating to branding of Ellora.


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Understanding the perceptions of tourists is a key element for predicting their behavior and providing them the tourist experiences that are part of their expectations. This study aims to assess destination preferences of Indian tourists, using a new methodological approach to investigate the brand equity of tourism destinations competing in the globalized world. Using the top-of-mind approach, respondents (N = 697 Indian citizens) were asked through an online questionnaire to inform their “dream destinations” (destination they did not visit yet but they desire to visit in the near future) and their “favorite destinations” (destination they have visited and liked the most). Results confirmed both study hypotheses: (1) “dream destinations” are mostly located far away from India; (2) “favorite destinations” are mostly domestic or located in the neighboring countries. Furthermore, the study shows that local (municipal) scale is more frequently used to categorize destinations related to the following motivations: ecotourism, cultural, rural, mountain, creative tourism, city tourism, and shopping tourism; but sun and sea is more frequently framed by regional scale; however, the country scale is more frequently used to designate dream destinations as well as wellness tourism destinations. Finally, the study delivers useful managerial insights, particularly for DMO aiming to attract repeat Indian tourists.


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In a global competition current scenario, measuring the performance of hotels is increasingly important for managers who, to take decisions, need management indicators and tools. The most common operating indicators are occupancy rate and RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room). The goal of any hotel is to be as profitable as possible, so they must work on increasing revenues and decreasing costs. To increase revenues the focus has been on revenue management practices, and there is already several software that help hoteliers to define the most appropriate price for each customer. Therefore, managers mostly seek to increase accommodation revenue, however from a total revenue management perspective revenue from other departments must also be considered. The TRevPAR (Total Revenue Per Available Room) appears as a more comprehensive indicator that takes into account all hotels revenue sources. The purpose of this research is to study and highlight TRevPAR influence factors, since this information have practical implications in the hotel managers’ decision. This methodology was carried out through the analysis of 948 hotels from 2010 to 2017. The sample was obtained by crossing two databases: SABI platform and Portuguese National Tourism Registry (RNET). The tested determining factors were the hotel's location, size, number of stars and services. An original and exhaustive study in terms of services meets the purpose, thus, the influence on TRevPAR was tested on outdoor and indoor pools, tennis, golf, spa, meeting rooms and restaurants.

The findings show a global increase over the years analysed (2010-2017) in TRevPAR. The location, size and number of stars influence TRevPAR, as do most services.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons why tourist inflows in three Italian protected areas, endowed with valuable natural and cultural heritage, are below their potential. These sites participate in the European Regional Development Project EXCOVER, that aims at developing sustainable tourism in underrated Adriatic areas. To this goal, it is important to investigate the reputation of the sites among the general public, especially in the imaginary of people who have never visited it, to understand and change what keeps tourists away. This task is brought about through a semantic analysis of online reviews, that are crucial in the construction of non-visitors’ imaginary about a destination and influence travel choices. Customers’ reviews are scraped from TripAdvisor through a code written on-purpose. Topics are modelled through an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, chosen because a consolidated theoretical model of destination reputation is still missing, so reviews are allowed to tell what is relevant to reviewers, without prior constraints. Moreover, to the exploratory aim of this study, online opinions are not considered as answers to predetermined questions, but as free instances of word-of-mouth. The resulting proxies of web reputation are compared across time and space, to get the information needed to devise effective tourism development strategies and marketing initiatives. The originality of this contribution lays in the investigation of the web reputation of protected areas still to be developed into tourism destination. Moreover, it may provide some hint useful to the formulation of a solid theoretical model of destination reputation.


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