

VOLUME III – December 2022
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Volume 4 – December 2023


The development of the industry induced the need for a trained workforce in India. The government initiated training programs and professional courses in tourism and hospitality to satisfy this need. Researchers talked about professional training at the college level to make tourism and hospitality programs more interactive. This study aimed to determine the students’ satisfaction with the Tourism and Hospitality programme in Indian Institutions. A questionnaire was designed to conduct the study and through that, a sample of 281 respondents was collected through Google Forms, Cronbach's alpha test was applied to test the reliability of the questionnaire. The objectives of the study were tested with descriptive analysis, and statistical tools such as T-test, Frequency Analysis and Percentage analysis were performed. The research addresses satisfaction through Course Content, efficiency of Training & Teaching Skills of Tourism and Hospitality Courses. The study result also reveals that Indian students are delighted with the Tourism and Hospitality Programmes and believe that tourism is a fast-growing industry that will play a great role in the employment of the upcoming generation. The suggestions were given on the basis of findings drawn from the study.


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The intersection of film and tourism is a recognized driver of destination exploration and traveler motivation. This study delves into the concept of Film-Induced Place Attachment (FIPA), which signifies the emotional bond tourists develop with real-world destinations portrayed in films. This research aims to comprehensively understand the mechanisms behind FIPA, its influence on tourist behavior, and its implications for destination management and marketing strategies. Methodology: This study employs qualitative approaches to gather insights from a diverse range of participants, including film tourism stakeholders and tourism experts. Surveys and descriptive analysis of relevant films and their impact are utilised to uncover the multidimensional nature of FIPA, exploring factors such as cinematography, storytelling, cultural representation, and personal resonance that contribute to the emotional engagement tourists experience. Findings: Findings from this research highlights the profound impact of films in shaping tourists' perceptions and motivations to visit specific destinations. The emotional connection established through film-induced narratives often results in heightened curiosity and desire to experience the depicted locations firsthand. The study further explores the potential for FIPA to influence not only travel decisions but also the length of stay, expenditure patterns, and repeat visitation behaviors. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the intricate relationship between film-induced narratives and the emotional attachment tourists develop towards depicted destinations. By understanding the underlying mechanisms of FIPA, destination marketers, policymakers, and stakeholders can harness its potential to shape positive and lasting tourist experiences, ultimately contributing to sustainable tourism development.


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The travel industry always adopted new and advanced technologies easily and rapidly due to convenience. Revolution in e-commerce has changed the modus operandi of the industry. Tourism stakeholders are also adopting such technologies not only out of the self-convenience but also due to the increasing demand from consumers. Online search and purchase of travel services are common phenomenon nowadays which has affected travel agents massively. Notably, extremely limited studies have investigated the agencies' perspectives on such an effect. In this vein, the present study surveyed 189 travel agents of Aurangabad, a non-metro city prominently known as the tourism capital of the state of Maharashtra, through the online and offline distribution of questionnaires. Descriptive analysis was performed to analyse the primary data. The survey revealed the positive attitude of the travel agents towards this development. Further, they observed that easy information availability increased enquiries and sales of travel services. At the same time, it is evident that they have already started adopting such online services and, in the future, these technologies will become ubiquitous in the industry. Thus, the study suggested that there is a need for a proper mixture of technology and human assistance to have a bright future for travel agencies.


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The understanding of residents’ perceptions for tourism development has been an important theme among managers for destinations because the success and sustainability of destination depends upon the benevolence of local residents. Along with this tourism features vulnerability, and peripherality, especially against the disasters and crises. Covid-19 have forced the global tourism-related businesses to shut down and the public is facing on high alert, many businesses and communities are paralysed due to this pandemic. Many residents understand that tourism recovery can boost the local economy. Meanwhile, if tourist destinations promote tourism against the will of the residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, the residents will reject the strategy and their attitude toward tourism will worsen. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between residents’ support intention for tourism (STI) and each variable among young residents in Okinawa, Japan. Firstly, we discuss the concept of residents’ support for tourism. Secondly, the study developed the proposed model, based on ‘social exchange theory’, to measure the relationship among STI, resident attitude (ATT), perceived economic impact (ECI) / socio-cultural impact (SCI) / environmental impact (ENI) toward tourism development, and trust for tourism policy and related institution (TTP). Furthermore, this research tries to test these influences through a comparison about intensity of concern for local economy and society due to COVID-19 epidemic. Finding suggest that there is direct and positive relation between the variables of support intention and trust in tourism policy and related institutions, attitude is the variable that most influenced the formation of support intention, the result of the relationship between economic impact and attitude vary across groups .The study contributes to tourism theory by empirically examining the role of trust in tourism policy ,related institutions and residents’ perceptions regarding tourism impacts as antecedent of support intention.


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral element of the tourism and hospitality industry. Personal characteristics/qualities are vital for becoming an effective manager, these characteristics play a pivotal role in a service industry like hospitality as they help in standardization to achieve the organisational goals. These characteristics can alter the outlook of managers with respect to the CSR activities of the organization. Therefore, the present study analyses such personal characteristics (like age, gender, education and work experience) of managers from a range of star category hotels to understand their attitude towards CSR. Descriptive analysis along with ANOVA was used for a sample of 417 managers from 7 states in India. A scale having 6 variables was used to determine the perception of these managers. The result showed that there is a significant difference for the variables gender, education and work experience. There are multifold suggestions provided based on the results which are targeted towards different stakeholders (like Academicians, Government Ministries, etc.)


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The global project e.INS ecosystem - Ecosystem of Innovation for Next generation Sardinia is intended to support Sardinian small and medium enterprises (SMEs)’ innovation and sustainability: in particular, our research group focused on SMEs operating in the tourism and cultural heritage sector, highlighting those operating in marginal places. To achieve this, proposing a network between different municipalities is strongly recommended to create a single destination equipped with compelling storytelling. Following the slow tourism basis as a catalyst for inner areas’ development, the present work illustrates a still-in-the-making project on the case study of the Ogliastra, i.e., a historical-geographical region located in central-eastern Sardinia: the aim is to first propose a strategy of destination storytelling through a coastal-inner areas relationship, and then engage the entrepreneurial tourism reality in such a spatial aggregation. Starting from Tortolì port, we proposed a concept of itinerary for slow exploration of all the municipalities in the Ogliastra’s Rio Pardu Valley system, rich in natural landscape, heritage and Genius Loci. Creating a coastal area-inner area type destination could lead to benefits for the entrepreneurial landscape of the Ogliastra Valley, also strengthening the SMEs of the coastal area.


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