Editorial: Mission and sustainability of EATSJ
in EATSJ - Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal - Volume 5(1) | Share this paper:
- DOI https://doi.org/10.58345/eatsj2024p11
in EATSJ - Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal - Volume 5(1) | Share this paper:
- DOI https://doi.org/10.58345/eatsj2024p11
in EATSJ - Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal - Volume 5(1) | Share this paper:
- DOI https://doi.org/10.58345/eatsj2024p4Keywords: disabled people accessible tourism tourism information technology collaborative tourism platforms
Received: 31/10/2024 | Accepted: 16/12/2024 | Published online: 18 December 2024
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in EATSJ - Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal - Volume 5(1) | Share this paper:
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in EATSJ - Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal - Volume 5(1) | Share this paper:
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