

VOLUME III – December 2022
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Code of ethics

The Euro Asia Tourism Studies Journal (EATSJ) is an electronic publication of scholarly papers. The scope of the journal is building a stronger academic bridge between Europe and Asia.

EATSJ verifies process of peer review with ethical standards to keep up with required quality in the field of Travel and Tourism scholarly publication. Journal supports to maintain the research which is having industry relevance, addition to new knowledge in tourism academics and ensure the safety of the researchers who submit their manuscript to the Journal.


Principles of EATSJ

EATSJ provides a guarantee that:

  • it will be transparent in keeping all authors informed about their research publication process and provide them time to respond.
  • it will be consistent and ensures that the standard review process will mitigate all foreseeable biases.

Research Work

The research work should

  • contribute to a specific knowledge domain in the field of Travel and Tourism.
  • be helpful to society
  • be conducted with respect for all within the community and for all communities in society regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, culture and/or religion
  • respect the rules of confidentiality, privacy and human dignity of the people quoted
  • treat all data with appropriate levels of confidentiality and anonymity
  • ensure the accuracy, appropriateness, ownership of data and research results.
  • ensure the construct validity, through the accumulation of evidence to support the interpretation of what a measure reflects

Author responsibilities

The author or the authors

  • shall agree to follow the EATSJ’s editorial standards
  • shall not be paid for their contributions EATSJ
  • have the rights to the published material
  • will be invited to post the PDF file of their article on academic open-access repositories.
  • can reuse the published material by giving appropriate credit to EATSJ by always citing the article as indicated in the journal
  • will declare that the article they are submitting is original
  • will bring to the attention of the Editors for excluding their publication in EATSJ, if there is any overlapping prepublication
  • will inform the Editors of EATSJ of any potential conflict of interest, that could be interpreted as having influenced their work or motivated their submission
  • will not suggest any names of the reviewers’ which will lead to rejection of their manuscript.
  • shall agree to revise the manuscripts as requested by reviewers or editors, and to modify their text accordingly
  • shall guarantee that they have given appropriate credit to all of the publications they cite in the article

Revision Process

The author’s manuscript

  • will be checked against plagiarism
  • will be assessed for its grammatical accuracy
  • will be passed through a double-blind peer review, where neither authors nor reviewers know each other’s names
  • will be reviewed by at least two experts. However if necessary, a 3rd expert will be consulted
  • may be sent for a second-round review process if the chief editor thinks it necessary
  • will be evaluated on justified supporting arguments.
  • finally, will be published online on the journal’s website

In general, any kind of received contributions in the form of documents/sources, dissertation abstracts, and book reviews may be reviewed by a member of the editorial committee, according to the policies established by the journal’s chief editors.

The anonymity of the author will be guaranteed by the chief editor in order to avoid a prejudicial process.

In particular, reviewers will retain the confidentiality of the manuscript and not use it for any interest of their own. Moreover, they should be conducted objectively avoiding any personal attacks or criticism to the author.

All the mechanisms used by EATSJ to manage the review process aim to consider each manuscript on intrinsic merit, regardless of the gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic origin, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the authors.


The EATSJ is aware that plagiarism involves a violation of copyright law and maybe punishable by legal action as it damages the image of other authors in the scientific community. Therefore, EATSJ will put all means at its disposal to dissuade and fight any attempt at plagiarism by

  • refusing any manuscript which shows more than 20% plagiarism (a plagiarism software will be used for the purpose)
  • rejecting any articles in which the author has not given sufficient credit to the cited publications
  • asking the reviewers to identify the non-cited work by the authors or missing of any relevant references. Those gaps must be notified in the evaluation report.

Defamatory statements or inappropriate behaviour

Authors guarantee that their proposed article contains no fraudulent, defamatory, or intentionally inaccurate remarks

Each author must guarantee that his or her behaviour will be respectful to maintain good standard of the journal.

Each author guarantees to treat every other author, the reviewers and the chief editor with respect.

The reviewers and the chief editor will do everything to maintain a friendly and respectful working environment for the authors.

Third party and citations

If someone besides the author wants to use an article from the EATSJ, they can publish under the terms of the license Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International). In practice, they can use it as long as they do not resell, do not change the contents and as long as they give the authors credit.

The citation should be done according to the “Cite this article” section at the end of each paper or contribution.