Act 1 : 09.07 (beginning at 09:07)

Scene 1: Opening at the Karlshochschule (Playspace) – Speeches by President of EATSA (Dr. Kevser Çinar), President of Karlshochschule (Prof. Dr. Robert Le Penies), Founding members of EATSA (led by Prof. Francisco Dias) and 2 conference keynotes (Prof. Hazel Andrews and Prof. Stijn Reijnders)

Scene 2: Co-creation Keynote 1: Mona Erfanian Salim on Art, Music and Tourism  + Presentations

Scene 3: Vaudeville Dinner + ‘Private Viewing’ UEFA Euro 2024 (1st semi-final) (Karls Cafe)


Act 2: 10.07

Scene 1: Co-creation Keynote 2: Prof. Alexander Panasiuk on Hospitality, service and Tourism + Paper Presentations

Scene 2: Co-creation Keynote 3: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Küpers on Walking and Moving + Paper Presentations + Visit to ZKM including dialogue with Director Alistair Hudson. Research Workshop for PhDs and early researchers 1 (at ZKM)

Scene 3: ‘Public Viewing’ UEFA Euro 2024 (2nd semi-final) for ‘public viewing’ outside in the city.

Act 3: 11.07

Scene 1: Plenary Session + General Meeting

Scene 2: Picnic at the Schlosspark (Gardens facing the Palace) + Research Workshop for PhDs and early researchers 2 (at Karlshochschule) (Parallel) + Online Session (Parallel)

Scene 3: Night Poetry walk

Full-day Fieldtrip: 12.07 (Black Forest)

The itinerary is dependent on how many particpants sign up for this. For now, we can confirm that it will include a cake, a waterfall and a train, and maybe a castle.


If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to:

Prof. Dr. Desmond Wee, Chair EATSA 2024 Germany,
