Special Events

The EATSA 2020 Conference highlights are the: Inaugural launch of the EATSJ, the brand new EATSA Open Access Journal; Tourism Café Lab,  it is a dialogue space to share new ideas and increase collaboration and the exchanges between members; PhD and Masters Symposium, it is a safe workshop space for post-graduate students to get the best outcomes in their studies; EU Projects Session,  it is to discuss funding opportunities for new innovative and collaborative projects; National Session of EATSA in Italian,  the aim is to encourage and promote local scholarly participation that results in a special issue with the papers in Italian.

Keynote Speakers

prof. T.C. Chang


T.C. Chang is an Associate Professor at the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his PhD at McGill University (1997) and his research interests relate to urban tourism, arts/culture/heritage, and Asian tourism knowledges. He is the co-editor of two books on Asian tourism: Asia On Tour. Exploring the Rise of Asian Tourism (Routledge, 2009) and Interconnected Worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia (Elsevier Science, 2001). On the administrative front, he was Vice Dean (External Relations and Student Life) of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences as well as Deputy Director of Global Relations Office, both at NUS.

prof. Giacomo Del Chiappa


Giacomo Del Chiappa (PhD) is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Department of Economics and Business, University of Sassari (Italy), where he teaches Tourism Marketing and Management, Destination Management and Retail Marketing. He is also Senior Research Fellow at the School of Tourism & Hospitality of University of Johannesburg (South Africa), and co-chair of the Tourism, Culture and Arts Marketing SIG of the Italian Marketing Association. His research is related to destination governance and branding, sustainable tourism, consumer/tourist behavior, digital marketing and airport marketing. He is Associate Editor of European Journal of Tourism Research and member of numerous editorial boards of national and international scientific journals. He is author and co-author of numerous national and international publications. Among others, he has published in: Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Contemporary and Hospitality Management, Current Issues in Tourism, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, Tourism Management Perspectives, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Journal of Airport Transport Management. He regularly teaches in PhD programs, Masters and EMBA in Italy and abroad in the areas of consumer behavior, tourist behavior, destination management and hospitality marketing and management.

prof. Tamara Rátz


Dr. Tamara Rátz is Professor of Tourism and Head of Tourism Department at Kodolányi János University, Hungary. She obtained her PhD in 2000 from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration with a thesis investigating the socio-cultural impacts of tourism development at Lake Balaton, Hungary. She has extensive experience of teaching abroad: besides being a Guest Professor at HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland (1995-2011), Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Kazakhstan (2011-2014), and University of Bologna (2017-2018), she taught various tourism-related courses in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Poland, The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Norway. She serves as editorial board member and reviewer of over 20 journals in tourism and acts as co-editor of the Tourism Academy book series in Hungary. She is the author or co-author of more than 190 publications on tourism, including 12 books. Her current research interests include cultural and heritage tourism development and management, creativity and innovation in niche tourism development, and the phenomena of unconventional tourism mobility.

EU funding session

THE EU Funding Workshop will target EU domain specific funding opportunities such as the ETCP , Life Long Learning, ERASMUS+ , ESF, ENPI/ENI, HORIZON 2020, EUROPAID, CULTURE, CREATIVE EUROPE URBACT and so on.

It will instruct participants into the design and delivery of an EU project.

The Seminar will be structured in two parts:


PROJECT GENERATION – Development of a Research/Project Concept for national and ERDF funded projects per funding Body, priority and measure (ESF, LLP, ERASMUS+ ENPI/ENI, ETCP, HORIZON, EUROPEAID, ESPA) – Development of a Transnational/Cross Border/Bilateral Partnership – Authoring of Project Proposals; Document Quality Check and Submission of Project Proposals – Evaluation of Project Ideas (internal resources); Evaluation of Project Proposals to Invest and participate (external resources) – Completion of project budget (physical object and budget lines)

PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION – Implementation of the physical and financial object of approved Grant Applications (Work Packages, Activities, Outputs, Time plans , Meetings and Seminars, R&D, launch of procurements) – Development of the Project Management Tools and Training of the Project Management Teams of the respective Partnerships

PROJECT MONITORING AND REPORTING – Project Monitoring (supervision of implementation procedures, consultations with partners, management of physical object, submission of partner and progress reports to the respective National authorities and EU Programme Managing Authorities) – Project Reporting: Trimester, Semester and Annual Reports, Interim and Final Reports to the respective National authorities and EU Programme Managing Authorities

PROJECT COORDINATION – Project Coordination with EU Programme Managing Authorities., Transnational Project Teams, National Contact Points, First and Second Level Controlling Authorities

PROJECT COMMUNICATION – Project Communication (Communication, Dissemination and Visibility Plans following the Programme Communication Guidelines, Outreach Activities, Awareness Raising Campaigns, Flash mob activities, Competitions) – Design of materials for print and e- media, viral dissemination and social media strategy, Event Coordination at National / EU level

PROJECT CAPITALIZATION – Project Stakeholder Maps, Follow Activities, Result exploitation strategy including project stakeholders, – Capitalization of achieved results through the involvement of project stakeholders including the academic community; potential investors and the general public


Participants will develop a project concept for HE in tourism with the aim to submit the project with the EATSA organization as one of the Partners.

Dorothea Papathanasiou Zuhrt

Dr. Dorothea PAPATHANASIOU ZUHRT holds degrees in Classics and Germanistics from the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has studied History and Ethnology at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, where she also obtained an M.A. degree in Psycholinguistics. She earned her M.Sc. in Tourism Planning and her Ph.D. degree in Heritage Management at the University of the Aegean. She has studied Tourism Planning at the Universita Autonoma di Barcelona and Universita Ca Foscari Venezia. She is fluent in English, German, French, Italian, and Russian and has basic knowledge of Turkish. Her technical work experience is closely related to the development and implementation EU funded projects with over 100 applications in the last 20 years (Erasmus+; ERDF; ETCP; COSME; H2020; ENI/ENPI; ESF etc.). She is active in the tertiary education teaching Heritage Policy and Management at the Hellenic Open University and Cultural Policy and Development at the Cyprus Open University. As an active researcher she has produced more than 100 publications in the last 20 years. She is founding member of INTERPRET EUROPE, the European Association for the interpretation of heritage, resulting the C.I.P. Leader+ in 2008, and a voting member at EUROPEANA and EUROPEANA Research. Since 2010 she is actively working in the Cultural and Creative Industries with focus on digital publishing for heritage education and cultural tourism. She joined ARTIFACTORY in 2016, where she works in regional development with focus on cultural heritage and audiovisual productions.


Prerequisite of the participants
must be willing to participate or lunch an EU project. An idea of the project should be sent to eatsa2020@gmail.com before April the 30th, 2020.


Max number of participants
15/20 persons


Free for the participant at the conference or a participation fee of 40 Euros in early bird o 50 Euros in Late registration

PhD & Masters Symposium

The Ph.D & Masters Symposium is a safe space created for all levels of postgraduates, to explore and discuss the various stages involved in their thesis research and writing journey. It aims is to understand and manage the Arts and Science of thesis writing, as well as their supervisors. The focus is on how to avoid the pitfalls of self-sabotage in completing your thesis. You will benefit from the workshops, where you will learn from your peers. The objective is to produce a three-minute thesis presentation (optional, especially for those at the end stage of their Ph.D or Masters journey) at the end of the conference. The symposium outcome is to acquire effective coping strategies for a successful completion of your thesis.

Simon Teoh

Dr. Simon Teoh works as a sessional lecturer at Murdoch University. He has worked in the travel and airline business for twenty-five years, before obtaining his Ph.D. His doctoral thesis investigated the Gross National Happiness Tourism Model of Bhutan. He has conducted workshops on qualitative social methods using NVivo for the Tourism Council of Bhutan, and the Dili Institute of Technology, Timur-Leste. His research interests include LGBTIQ tourism issues, Australian Indigenous tourism challenges, and intangible cultural heritage tourism. He has consulted for the Tourism Council of Bhutan and the Department of Culture and Arts, Western Australia. He has provided professional academic services on EndNote, NVivo and thesis writing to Ph.D students. He currently teaches and conducts workshops in Academic Communication Skills for Postgraduates.


Prerequisite of the participants
must be writing a thesis


Max number of participants
50 persons


Free for the participant at the conference or a participation fee of 40 Euros in early bird or 50 Euros in Late registration.

Tourism Cafe Lab

Tourism Café Lab is a dialogue space to share new ideas and increase collaboration, stimulating exchanges between the conference’s participants for a collective discussion on tourism issues with integration of founding products to real operation. This medium also provides an opportunity to streamline the thematic of the conference, together with the keynotes and other tourism experts from both academia and industry. There will also be real coffee.
The Tourism Café Lab will consist of medium-sized cafes (7-10 people) in cluster format and will correspond to the sub-themes of the the various panels. Examples could include cafés featuring tourism management and marketing, city tourism, cultural and heritage, maritime tourism, and technology and tourism. The presentations in each of the panels are first discussed and the most pertinent issues will be developed together with a facilitator in each café to identify emerging thematic and fulfill specific goals. Participants will have a chance to switch cafés to see if the coffee is as good elsewhere. The contents of these cafés will be mapped collectively, integrated and presented at the end of the conference to put the conference thematic once more into focus.
The idea of the Tourism Café Lab is not an end in itself, but the stimulus for further collaboration (at least until EATSA 2021) and ultimately in the form of research project and grants, scholarly articles or even academic exchanges. All café participants will be tagged accordingly and will both receive and guide potential bugs through social networking after the completion of the conference. Please be warned… this relationship will not be broken anytime soon.

Ali Afshar

Prof. Ali Afshar holds a PhD in architectural studies from University Putra Malaysia. He is a first class registered architect with more than 20 years of professional experiences in Iran. His researches focus on a substantial amount of investigation in vernacular architecture and tourism studies and their application in scientific and business problems. He demonstrates the feasibility of his ideas by implementing the knowledge of vernacular architecture and integrating it into the architectural design of recreational complexes, hotels and second homes in tourism destinations of the country. His contributions have been published in number of journal articles and refereed conference papers. At the moment, he is a member of the board and the head of research and development department of SABAT Kish Company. He is also teaching as invited lecturer in some university in Iran.

Desmond Wee

Desmond Wee is Professor of Tourism at the Cologne Business School in Germany. His research interests explore contemporary tourism theories in cultural studies and the social sciences, focusing on visual, reflexive and embodied methodologies in the making of everyday identities in urban spaces. He is currently working on a series of projects dedicated to ‘walking’ and envisioning how the integration of Europe can be seen from without, through the eyes of the other. As Academic Dean of International Tourism Management, his passion lies in creating projects merging teaching, research and learning, encouraging students to venture outside the classroom to study tourism through engaging in tourism.

Experience-sharing on Publishing

Despite, all the enormous research work that precedes the writing of a paper, its submission to a high impact scientific journal is only the starting point of a long and complex editorial process. However, the acceptance phase is crucial for the success of an investigation. Sometimes, an excellent paper takes the risk of being rejected if the authors are not adequately prepared to respond to all the objections and idiosyncrasies of the reviewers. From the authors’ point of view, the success at this stage often depends on their resilience and ability to counter-argument, on the assumption that the editor is a kind of judge in a case that resembles a court judgment. If we see this process also on the knowledge sharing side, researcher and reviewer phase stage, could add a great value to the research and consequently to achieve the goal, which is to publish the work. In this special session of the 6th EATSA Conference, two experienced researchers and co-authors that had published various papers in high impact scientific journals will share with you their experience on all phases of publication of a scientific article.

Lucilia Cardoso

Dr. Lucília Cardoso holds a PhD in Business Sciences and Tourism since 2010 from the Vigo University,  Spain. Lucília has participated in several research projects and is an integrated researcher of CITUR Portugal – Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation. She is researcher of the Favourite Destinations Project of the Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association. She is conducting postdoctoral research on swiss  Tourism & Hospitality Higher Education topic with supervisors from the Aveiro University (Portugal) and HES-SO Valais Wallis, University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Switzerland). She has published in the areas of Tourism and Marketing and her publications and empirical studies cover a broad range of psychological and  sociological aspects of tourism and the development of indicators and data gathering methodologies for monitoring tourism destinations. Tourism communication, in particular image induction, are also part of her professional skills and since 2016 she is Jury member of the Art&Tur International Tourism Film Festival. She has ten years’ experience in Management, Marketing and Tourism teaching in Portugal and Spain and is presently applying her expertise in those fields to Tourism Hospitality as a Lecturer at César Ritz Brig Colleges, Suisse Education Group.

Francisco Dias

Francisco Dias holds a PhD degree in Tourism Science from the University of Perpignan, France, and a Masters degree in Social Psychology at the Oporto University. He is Professor in the School Tourism and Maritime Technology, at the Leiria Polytechnic (Portugal), and member of CITUR – Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation. He was the leading founder of EATSA – the Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association, its former Presidente and nowadays Vice-President for Europe. In 2010 he created the EJTHR – European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, having been its editor-in-chief for five year (2010-2015), that allowed him to establish a huge tourism research network. His entrepreneurial profile is evidente in Portugal, acting as the chairman of two international events: the ART&TUR – International Tourism Film Festival, and the ICTM&DB – International Conference on Tourism Marketing and Destination Branding. Moreover, he is founder and vice-president of Centro de Portugal Film Commission. His research interests are vast, ranging from the field of tourism branding and film tourism to research methodology and epistemology of tourism sciences.


EATSA bestows three awards at its conferences: Best Paper Award, Best Euro-Asian Collaborative Paper Award and Best Reviewer Award.

Best Reviewer Award

The Best Reviewer Award is given to the reviewer who has written the paper reviews with the highest quality. The Best Reviewer Award is determined by the organizing committee. Members of the organizing committee are not eligible for the Best Reviewer Award.

Best Euro-Asian Collaborative Paper Award

The Best Euro-Asian Collaborative Paper Award is given to co-authors of the paper that presents the best Euro-Asian joint research. It is selected using the same methodology that was referred for the Best Paper Award.

Best Paper Award

The Best Paper Award is given to the author of the paper which has the highest quality among all competitive papers presented at the conference.

National Session (in Italian)


Stay tuned, we will soon be posting the details.



New Organization
Due to the current situation, we are rethinking the conference.